We select candidates to place them on right position. We conduct interview and review documents or forward bio-data’s to make them selected by the employer as a selection procedure. Just after  selection of candidates, we recruit them on behalf of Employer Company. Recruitment process  takes place to hire the candidates for required job categories. We process all the recruitment procedure in a fast-track manner. In order to make all our recruitment procedure faster, we are equipped with all the adequate resources. In today’s era of science, we are fully digitalized to minimize the length of the process because we understand the value of time.

Gaushala-9, Pingalasthan, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone : +977-1-5913606, 5913607
Fax: 977-1-5913606
E-mail : kabelihr@yahoo.com
Website: www.kabelihr.com.np

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